Hau Moy Kwan
My name is Hau Moy Kwan. I have a PhD. In Educational of Sciences, a Master of Sciences in Telematic and a bachelor’s degree in computer sciences and Engineering
I was born in Venezuela; my parents are Chinese. I know how to speak three languages: Spanish, Chinese, Cantonese, and English. I have worked for 5 years in the Telecommunications and Computer Engineering field. Additionally, I have worked in the School of Engineering for more than 15 years as a full-time faculty in three different institutions overseas. I had the opportunity to be part of the research committee at the university, which motivated me to publish several papers in technology. I Tutored more than one hundred theses in the Computer, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering undergraduate Program. I have taught Spanish in middle and high school at Wasatch Jr. High and American Academy of Innovation. I am an Associate Professor at Salt Lake Community College. I teach Fundamental of Computers Sciences, Fundamental of Programming, Object-Oriented Programming and Computer Architecture.
I am TECHNOLOchicas ambassador, and I serve as a Mentor in Non-Profit Organizations such as Semillas de Triunfo, Puerto Rico and Nuevo Foundation. I am very involved with Community services. Specifically with Latino/Hispanic Community. I participated as a host in many Education events. I share with them resources, information and encourage them to keep working on their education.
I am committed to building a genuine environment of inclusion and diversity with Tech in my classes and Community. I am mentoring and supporting females and people with special needs to guide and accelerate their pathway. I would like to assist them in finding resources and networking to show their ability to create technology and improve our world.
My biggest accomplishment this year was, I was selected as a recipient of the Teaching Excellence Awards 2022 at SLCC.