Sunnie Giles
Dr. Sunnie is the author of The New Science of Radical Innovation. She is a leadership consultant, executive coach, and organizational scientist who helps leaders develop competencies to win in this time of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity). VUCA-era decision-making is very challenging because one can rarely foresee the consequences of one’s decisions. Traditional leadership (command and control) must give way to self-organization, interdependence, agility, and dynamic decision-making, informed by a systems approach.
Dr. Sunnie helps leaders harness VUCA and use it to their advantage to accelerate radical innovation. Her new book, The New Science of Radical Innovation: The Six Competencies Leaders Need to Win in a Complex World is available on Amazon (and wherever books are sold).
Based on solid research in neuroscience training, communication and leadership skill frameworks, assessments, methodologies, and tools, Dr. Sunnie’s research makes a convincing case that capitalizing our interdependent, self-organizing complex systems can lead to radical innovation. Using her resources, her clients:
- Accelerate industry game-changing innovation
- Remove barriers to effective learning that leads to radical innovation
- Permanently improve their speed and agility by creating transparency and trust in the organization
- Dramatically improve self-management skills to create safety and trust in the organization
Dr. Sunnie Giles holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in Systemic Psychology (or Marriage and Family Therapy) from Brigham Young University. With her clinical and coaching experience, as well as executive leadership experiences at Fortune 500 companies, she quickly identifies the core issues that hold the highest potential to facilitate self-discovery and lead to permanent change in her clients. She is passionate about catalyzing her clients to produce radical innovation and advancing collective evolution.