Join us for the final celebration of 2025! We’re bringing the tech community together for one last moment to connect, reflect, and set our sights on the journeys to come.
Register now for our Holiday Social to celebrate your unique career path, and discuss Building Your Unique Journey with Dr. Georgi Rausch. We’ll also have delicious food, great entertainment, and friends and colleagues from across the community. Embrace the spirit of the season with us, and let’s build a future that’s uniquely your own!
- Date: Dec 11, 2024
- Time: 4:00-5:30
- Location: Adobe
Speaker Bio: Dr. Georgi A. Rausch is an Associate Professor, Lecturer in the Department of Management at the David Eccles School of Business, University of Utah. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Utah, she received an M.A. in Organizational Communication from the University of Montana, and a Ph.D. in Organizational Communication from the University of Utah. Dr. Rausch loves to incorporate mindfulness practices in communication and ethics instruction. She teaches topics such as public speaking, business ethics, and emotional intelligence to a broad variety of audiences, and enjoys making these topics practical, relevant, and engaging. She will provide practical mindfulness and communication tools that can be implemented immediately to make your work more effective, your relationships stronger and assist you in building your unique journey.

Create Your Career Masterpiece
The holiday event was themed “Create Your Career Masterpiece”. During the Women Tech Council Holiday event, four individuals are sharing their own Career Masterpiece story.
Tara Shipp, Pluralsight
Selma Mlikota, O.C. Tanner
Katie Cardon, Cricut
Becky Frost, Instructure
Brave Your Brand
This theme was BRAVE YOUR BRAND. We invited two very special speakers to inspire us on authentically crafting and living our personal brand. We are also supporting Women of the World non-profit, which provides hope, support, supplies, education, and positivity to hundreds of women refugees and their families. We were inspired, gave back, and as always, were entertained by The Scarlet Fox!

Dr. Joelle Jay – “Leading Yourself To Success”
Author, Executive Coach, And Principal, Leadership Research Institute
Joelle Jay, Ph.D., is an executive coach who helps leaders achieve what they want to achieve…and lead the lives they want to live. Joelle is the author of The Inner Edge: The Ten Practices of Personal Leadership and Advantage, How Women in Leadership Can Create Win-Wins for Their Companies and Themselves. Joelle specializes in the advancement of executive women, and she is proud to have worked in a number of the most successful and most-admired companies to support the development of top talent into positions of leadership.
Farai Madzima – “I Shouldn’t Be Here And Other Myths”
Lead UX Designer At Shopify, Organizer Pixel Up!, Global Connector
Born in Zimbabwe, Farai Madzima was going to be a doctor but didn’t get the grades. Now he’s a designer. Make of that what you will. Using words, scribbles, and pixels he’s spent the last 14 years helping design and build products and teams in the UK, South Africa, and Canada. Farai has appeared at events worldwide, including IXDA Interaction and IASummit. He organizes Pixel Up! and Source Up! conferences and meetups in South Africa. These events connect designers and developers in Africa with their peers around the world.